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Student Leaders

Leadership is one of Queensbridge’s values and we take it very seriously.

Headteacher and Queensbridge Schools student leaders














We want to equip our young people with the skills and experiences they need to make a success of their futures. Pupils’ thoughts and views are so important to us and are the driving force beyond what we do.  

We have a bespoke leadership programme which is open to all pupils. Each year group has a number of representatives whose job it is to listen and act on their peers’ views. These leaders are made highly visible around school by our ‘Student Leader’ lanyards.

  • Make announcements each week in assembly, as well as sometimes giving assemblies.
  • Our leaders meet with key decision makers in school, including Senior Leadership and Governors, and are supported and encouraged to present the views of the student body in an effective and professional manner.
  • Student leaders meet with our outside contractors, including our catering supplier, and are consulted on school building improvement works and investments.
  • Student leaders in Year 11 form a ‘prom committee’ and work hard all year to ensure that prom is a success.

We want to nurture our students’ leadership skills and constantly ask them to reflect on their experiences, expertise and areas for further development, completing leadership and personality style tests, buddying them up with members of staff and encouraging them to work together effectively as a team.


The Leaders of Tomorrow

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